Friday, 23 November 2012

My Hiatus message and Pil Sok's Message

Hi! So today I have a message and Pil Sok has a message, Chae Rin also has this random give away we'll all show this at the end but today we've decided to do once a week, we haven't update our blog in a while so this is going to be hard but I'll just say this to get on with this. We are also going to be on holidays for a few weeks so we won't update on those weeks.
Yun Hee's Message:
Hi guys! So today I have decided to give this message, I do not know is anybody actually reads this blog but I'm going to re-do the website and upload more videos and selcas of me. I'm deciding to promote my blog so most people can see but while I'm promoting I will not be updating blog posts for about 5 or 4 weeks. I'm basically on hiatus and I'm going on holidays! To Bucheon, visit other place in Seoul, fly to Australia in Sydney, Go to Brisbane, Adelaide fly to New York and visit Hongdae. So everyday that we visit a new place we're basically staying there for about 4 days the maximum, if it's something like New York, then probably stay for about 2 nights 2 days.
I'm not going to do a video because I know I don't take that much photos and I do not have a proper camera to film or take photos.
Thanks you guys for reading this.
-Admin Yun Hee

Pil Sok's Message:

안녕하세요, 여기 Pil 석. 오늘은 시청자에 대한 메시지가 있습니다. 일 오늘, 나는 좋아. 내가 가진 문제를 도와주세요. 나는 다른 여자와 심장 상처로 전 남자 친구를 보았다. 아직도 우울.
- 관리자 Pil 석

Hello, Pil Sok here. Today I have message for viewers. Sun today, I like. Please help me with problem I have. I saw ex-boyfriend with other girl and my heart hurt. I still depress.
-Admin Pil Sok

Chae Rin's Give-away:
Hi guys! I do have a give away for you guys. Today I'm going to give away a few of my drawings and some rubbers you can mould with clay. So please look forward for more information about that and I hope every one does do the competition. 1st place wins 3 drawings (Can pick what drawings) and 1 rubber to mould with. 2nd place wins 2 drawings and 1 rubber to mould. 3rd place wins 1 drawing with ` rubber to mould. You can also pick who and what you want to draw and who you want for you drawing.

-The Assassin Team

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